If your child is experiencing a dental emergency, don’t panic.
Some dental emergencies require a visit to the office while others do not.
Our team is here to help and will treat the dental emergency quickly and carefully.
Please contact our office at 406-417-3456.
Toothache WITH a swollen face:
Call the office immediately.
Clean the area around the sore tooth and look for any signs of food stuck between the teeth. Use dental floss to dislodge trapped food or debris. Next, check lips, cheeks, and gums for any canker sores or gum swelling. Call the office during regular hours.
Knocked-out permanent tooth
Try and find the tooth. Once you find the tooth, handle it by the top (crown) NOT the root portion. You may rinse the tooth with water, but DO NOT clean or handle it unnecessarily. Try to reinsert it in its socket it came from. Hold the tooth in place by biting on a clean gauze or cloth. If you cannot reinsert it, transport the tooth in a cup of milk. See a dentist IMMEDIATELY! Time is a critical factor in saving the tooth.
Chipped or broken tooth
Try to find the tooth fragments and place in milk. Check lips and tongue to make sure any broken pieces are not stuck in the lips or tongue. Call the office IMMEDIATELY!
Lost filling or crown
Clean the area. Use over the counter pain medication if needed and a soft food diet. Call the office during regular business hours.
Knocked out baby tooth
Find the tooth for the tooth fairy. Place it in the tooth fairy box. Use over the counter pain medication and a soft food diet as needed. Follow up with our office for your child’s regular cleaning schedule.
Cut or bruised lip and gums
First, rinse mouth out. Then apply a cold pack to any bruised areas. If there is bleeding, apply firm but gentle pressure with a clean gauze or cloth. If bleeding does not stop or it cannot be controlled by simple pressure, call the office.